Graduate Profile
The graduate profile is a role that is expected to be carried out by alumni in the community/working world. By setting a profile, universities can guarantee that prospective students will be able to play any role after they have gone through all the learning processes in their study program. The profile of graduates of the Agrotechnology Study Program of Faculty of Animal and Agricultural Science Universitas Diponegoro is that meeting the community’s need for agricultural experts, graduates of the Agrotechnology study program will be greater in the private sector (non-government), while in the government sector there are fewer. The profiles of graduates are: actors in agriculture (bureaucrats, technocrats, policy makers), managers (planners, designers, organizers, evaluators, mediators), entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs, initiators, adapters, cooperators), researchers and as communicators (facilitators, motivators and mediators).
Competence of Graduate
- Able to apply scientific principles in formulating, analyzing and solving problems in the field of agricultural science and technology.
- Able to apply science and technology in the field of plant production technology based on the principles of sustainable agriculture based on organic/lisa farming, both modern and local wisdom.
- Have leadership, managerial and environmental adaptation skills, as well as a creative, innovative, responsive spirit in designing, planning and evaluating plant production systems appropriately according to the principles of sustainable agriculture based on organic/lisa farming.
- Able to actualize self potential to work together in multidisciplinary team.
- Courage to start, implement and develop innovative business in the field of crop production in sustainable agriculture based on organic/lisa farming.
- Able to cooperate (negotiate and communicate) effectively.
- Able to innovate in applying science and technology in the field of agricultural production technology into business practices.
- Able to apply environmentally friendly agricultural business ethics based on organic/lisa farming.
- Able to identify, formulate and analyze problems appropriately to recognize sustainable farming systems based on organic/lisa farming.
- Able to design, conduct research and interpret data professionally.
- Able to recommend appropriate problem solving in a sustainable agricultural cultivation system based on organic/lisa farming.
- Uphold the principles of scientific ethics.
- Lifelong learning ability.
- Able to think analysis and synthesis by taking into account the impact of problem solving in the global scope in social life
- Ability as a facilitator, motivator and mediator in a systematic and effective manner.
- Able to communicate thoughts individually and in a team.
- Have the ability to communicate to facilitate, motivate and be a mediator in dealing with problems in the agricultural sector in the community.