It is essential to note that for the {Letter of Statement Signed and Stamped (with a stamp)} requirement, in accordance with the statement regulations from the central IISMA, which states, “Due to differing regulations between universities in Indonesia regarding the usage of official university stamp marks or seals, the letter of statement signed by the Head of Study Program/Head of Department does not require an official stamp mark or seal from the issuing university.” Therefore, we kindly request each study program to collectively gather the Letter of Statement, and there is no need for the faculty stamp.

As for the WR1 recommendation requirement, accessible through https://io.undip.ac.id/iisma/, please pay attention to Required Docs point 6. The maximum date for completion is February 9, 2024, at 3:00 PM WIB. This document will be directly uploaded by the International Office (KUI) of the University.

Furthermore, for the academic transcript requirement, as it requires the signature of the Dean/Vice Dean, please upload it through the provided link so that it can be collected for faculty signature, no later than February 6.

A reminder, please submit the physical documents to the Faculty’s International Office (IO FPP), which will then be handed over to the University’s International Office (CP Swastika Dewi, 085601873892).

Good luck!!!! Let’s go international.